Praise God—Sunday is coming! What an honor: to be in the church's worship on the Lord's Day. Can it get any better than this, on this earth? Indeed, not.
Here is Thomas Watson, from his, "The Art of Divine Contentment":"This doctrine shows how a Christian may lead a comfortable life, even a heaven upon earth—be the times what they will: namely, by Christian con-tentment. The comfort of life does not consist in having a lot. Rather, it is Christ’s maxim, ‘Man’s life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses,' (Lk. 12:15)—but it is in being contented. . . .
"Contentment lies within a person, in the heart; and the way to be comfort-able, is not by having our barns filled, but our minds made quiet. The content-ed person, said Seneca, is the happy person.