Praise God—it is almost Sunday! Here is Thomas Watson, from his, "A Body of Divinity" book. Pastor Watson is addressing Christ's Incarnation (be-
low). . . .
"Why was Jesus Christ made flesh?"The principal and impulsive cause, was free grace. It was love in God the Father to send Christ; and love in Christ that He came to be incarnate. Love was the intrinsic motive. Christ is God-man, because he is a lover of man. Christ came out of pity and indulgence to us. Augustine wrote, 'Not our de-serts, but our misery, made Christ take flesh.' Christ's taking flesh was a plan of free grace, and a pure design of love. God Himself, though Almighty, was overcome with love. Christ incarnate is nothing but love covered with flesh. As Christ's assuming our human nature was a masterpiece of wisdom, so it was a monument of free grace.
"Christ took our flesh upon Him, that He might take our sins upon Him. . . . and so appease God's wrath.
"Christ took our flesh that He might make the human nature appear lovely to God, and the divine nature appear lovely to man."