Thank God—Sunday is almost here! In order to help get us into a Spirit-filled frame of mind in advance of Sabbath Worship, here are some great words from John Murray’s “The Epistle To The Romans” commentary. . . .
“ ‘More than conquerors’ [of Rom. 8:37] is a felicitous [well-chosen] rendering. What is stressed is the superlative of victory. Appearance to the contrary places the reality and completeness of the victory in bolder relief. . . . Too of-ten we look upon the outcome of conflict with the forces of iniquity as mere escape, perhaps by the skin of our teeth. In truth it is victory and that not merely but completely and gloriously. The designs of adversaries are wholly overthrown and we come off as conquerors with all the laurels of conquest. . . . This victory is always the case—‘in all these things.’ In every encounter with adversity, even with the hostility that is unto death, the victory is unquali-fied. Unbelievable! Yes, indeed, were it not for the transcendent factors per-ceived only by faith. . . . "Friday, February 14, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thurs., 2/13/25 Devotion (Rom. 16:1)
Today's encouragement comes from Romans 16:1, where we read these words:
"I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cen-chrea . . . “This (above) is a wonderful thing to be said about a person. First, the great Apostle Paul "commends" Phoebe. He refers to her as a "sister," a part of a great covenantal family. Phoebe was a "servant of the church." Her life was valuable, and well-spent. Furthermore, Phoebe was a "servant" of a particular church—the one in "Cenchrea." She did not content herself with her associ-ation with the "invisible” church alone. Instead, she was committed to a local one—as all well-taught Christians aspire to be.
Godly women have always been exalted in Spirit-filled Christianity. They oc-cupy the highest places in the kingdom of God. The church cannot prosper or thrive without them.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Christ does His church more good now that He is in heaven . . . “ —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Wed., 2/12/25 Devotion (Gen. 45:7)
Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 45:7, which says this:
"And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance."This is Joseph speaking here (above), as he addressed his shocked brothers. Joseph is a "type" of Christ. Jesus fully and perfectly accomplished what Jo-seph did (partially and imperfectly): Christ has "preserve[d] a posterity . . . in the earth.” Our Savior did this through His sacrificial death and triumphant re-surrection, whereby He purchased God's church for the Holy Trinity.
As we are faithful lovers of the true God today, we may rejoice greatly in our Lord Jesus. All the benefits of heaven are ours, now, even here on earth, in our glorious Redeemer. These are all apprehended by grace through faith in Him.
[Puritan quote of the day: "God is not now terrifying to us; but in Christ, God's nature is Fatherly and sweet to us.” —Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Free-dom"]
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Tues., 2/11/25 Devotion (Mk. 14:39)
Today's encouragement comes from Mark 14:39, where we read these words:
"Again He [Jesus] went away and prayed, and spoke the same words."It is encouraging to behold that our Redeemer Himself—in a time of great need and anguish—prayed; and even He "spoke the same words.” Very of-ten, in our cases, we do not know how to pray as we ought, (as per Rom. 8:26)—and we tend to say the same things over and over. What matters is that we desire to pour our hearts out to God our Father in prayer. Our loving “Abba" knows how to "interpret” our random babblings through the atonement that Jesus has provided for us, His church.
Therefore, let us not be discouraged if our prayer life is not all that we want it to be. Instead, let us groan out some heartfelt utterings—and know that our gracious and sovereign God will be pleased with them (in Christ alone).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Love was the chain that fastened [Jesus] to the cross.” —Thomas Watson, in, "All Things For Good"]
Monday, February 10, 2025
Mon., 2/10/25 Devotion (Job 9:1-2)
Today's encouragement comes from Job 9:1 & 2, which says this:
"Then Job answered and said: 'Truly I know it is so, but how can a man be righteous before God?' "Job's question here (above) is a hugely-important one. After all, just *how* can a sinful human being, conceived in Adam’s rebellion, and always (in this life) being affected by that fallen nature, actually "be righteous before God"? This is an apparently insurmountable problem, since God Himself is totally righteous and holy, and nothing short of *absolute* sinless perfection will, can, or should satisfy Him.
God alone resolved this conundrum, by sending His own only-begotten and beloved Son, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who made a pristine vi-carious atonement for elect sinners, who would then be sovereignly drawn by the Spirit, through miraculous and saving grace. We realize this liberating righteousness by faith in the Son of God, conveyed to us via the gospel of God’s love and mercy.
[Puritan quote of the day: "A Christian may come to lead a comfortable life, even a heaven upon earth, be the times what they will: by Christian content-ment.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Contentment"]
[Puritan quote of the day: "A Christian may come to lead a comfortable life, even a heaven upon earth, be the times what they will: by Christian content-ment.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Art of Divine Contentment"]
Friday, February 7, 2025
Fri.-Sabbath, 2/7-9/25 Devotion
Praise God—it is almost Sunday! We *get* to go back to church again! In or-der to help us get ready for Worship, here is Thomas Watson, from his, "The One Thing Necessary" treatise. . . .
"The seasons of grace though they are precious, are not permanent. Abused mercies will like Noah's dove—they take their wings and fly from us. . . . Gos-pel blessings are very sweet, but very swift. 'Now they are hid from your eyes' (Luke 19:42). We know not how soon the golden candlestick may be remov-ed."There is a time when the Spirit is done striving. There are certain spring tides of the Spirit, and these being neglected, possibly we may never see another tide come in. When conscience is done speaking, usually the Spirit is done striving.
"The loss of gospel opportunities will be the hell of hell. When a sinner shall at the last day think with himself, 'Oh, what might I have been! I might have been as rich as the angels. as rich as heaven could make me. I had a season . . . but I lost it.’ . . . "
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Thurs., 2/6/25 Devotion (Gen. 39:9b)
Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 39:9b, where we find these words:
" . . . How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"These are the words of Joseph, to Potiphar's wife. What is interesting to me about Joseph's response is his reference to sinning "against God." What did Mrs. Potiphar have to do with God? She probably could not have cared less (about the LORD). Joseph's speech is actually a form of evangelism of her.
Real sins against human beings translate into ultimate sins against God Him-self. Joseph knew that to commit this sin (as is true of every sin) would dis-honor the God that he loved so much. Let our love for Christ govern all of our behavior.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Is there a soul who fears the Lord, who trembles at His presence? To that soul is the word of salvation sent.” —Jeremiah Bur-roughs, in, "Gospel Fear"]
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