" . . . Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance."
One of *the* great glories of the gospel--and it is vividly demonstrated in Isa. 55--is this dimension of our need to simply come, take, and "eat" to our heart's content of all the grace of God. Gluttony is a sin; but it is *not* a sin to sate oneself on as much of Christ and His goodness as one wants to.
Therefore, let all people recognize that God is good; and that He has prepared a great feast for those who would but come and avail themselves of it--without money, without works, without effort, and without law. The church certainly serves a wonderful God. Let us enjoy Him wholeheartedly.
[Puritan quote of the day: "The . . . people of God are . . . of God's special acquaintance, and so they have peace, for they walk with God, and have communion with Him." --William Bridge, in "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]