"And Jehoshaphat said, 'Is there not still a prophet of the LORD here, that we may inquire of Him?' "
There are many false "prophets" today, who will tell people whatever they want to hear. But, there are still some true, faithful, and lawfully-called "prophets" (ministers) today, as well. In ancient Israel, during Ahab's reign, the ratio was something like 400 to one. (One true prophet; four-hundred fake ones.)
As we might expect, Ahab (a bad guy), did not accept Micaiah's (the good prophet's) words--but he (Ahab) certainly respected him (Micaiah). Let all God's church be careful to give heed to God's ministers; and disregard Satan's hirelings, who are "wolves in sheep's clothing."
[Puritan quote of the day: "Nothing in all the world can deliver from the fear of death but forgiveness of sin, and then this makes a man look on the Day of Judgment with comfort." --Jeremiah Burroughs, in a book of his sermons, entitled, "Gospel Remission"]