" . . . They were very able men for the work of the service of the house of God."
I was struck by this phrase (above). The church needs, and should always have serving her the very *best* of the culture. This is especial-
ly true when the general state of spirituality and morality is at the worst, or lowest ebb. In 1 Chron. 9, the people of Judah had already been deposed (to Babylon), and some of them were being brought back to the land.
Government, industry, business, education, and every other endeavor needs to be served by God's churchmen making their mark in the world. But these saints must be fed by a capable and serviceable clergy. Therefore, let us pray that God would raise up His "cream of the crop," and that He will install them into the pastoral, eldership, and diaconal ministries.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Defilers and profaners of ordinances, by known and allowed wickedness, provoke God more than the heathen who have no ordinances." --Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "A Warn-
ing to Professors of Religion"]