"Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse . . . "
All of life, and every person and angel is either under a blessing or a curse. There is no middle ground. Blessings are on those who believe in Jesus Christ, and who find all their righteousness in Him alone. Curses are on everyone else: be they religious, or not. Moses is writing this verse (above) to the old covenant churchmen of his day.
. . . If they chose by grace to believe in, and hence love, and obey the Lord--then they would be the objects of God's blessing. If they chose to disbelieve--and hence, not to love God, nor to obey Him--then they would be the focus of God's cursing. May we be numbered among the blessed church today, and remain faith-filled, and faithful.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Though pagans and nominal Christians take liberty to sin, yet it is not fit for those who are called out of the world, and have the mark of election upon them, to do so." --Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]