" . . . They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine."
Behold (above), the wonderful ministry of Christ in *this* world, through His New Covenant church. From the sanctuary (pulpit) the water of life flows freely, and it causes both fruitfulness and healing for all the nations.
Jesus is the Water of Life, and He is presented in His preached gospel of grace. As souls are regenerated, healed, forgiven, and enlightened, they continue to "bear fruit" as they keep coming back to the sanctu-
ary, from whence the "water flows." Let us be thankful that God has provided such bounty for us, in *this* life.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Submit to Christ willingly. All the devils in hell submit to Christ; but it is against their will; they are His slaves, not His subjects." --Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]