"Many a time they have afflicted me from my youth; yet they have not prevailed against me."
Are you a faithful churchman (Christian) today; and have you been around a while (especially, as a believer)? If so, then you know--like I do--the truth of this verse (above), Ps. 129:2. How many times have we been "afflicted" by all kinds of people, but most-notably by hypo-
crites and false brethren? Probably more than any of us would like to remember.
. . . But here is the good news: never once have they succeeded at "prevail[ing] against [us]." Sure, they have made our lives difficult from time-to-time, but they have always failed at gaining their goal: namely, our downfall. Instead of giving ourselves any credit for this, let us glory in Christ, who always preserves His faithful church through His abundant grace and provision.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Look back upon the path you have trod from the day that God brought you out of the womb, and say whether you do not, as it were, see all the road thick set with the marks and memorials of divine goodness." --Philip Doddridge, in, "The Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul"]