Sunday's coming! What an honor: to be in the church's worship on the Lord's Day!
Here's TW, in "The Art of Divine Contentment":
"[This doctrine] shows how a Christian may come to lead a comfort-
able life, even an heaven upon earth, be the times what they will: by Christian contentment. The comfort of life does not stand in having much; it is Christ's maxim, 'man's life consists not in the abundance of the things which he possesses,' (Lu. 12. 15)--but it is in being content-
ed. Is not the bee as well contented with feeding on the dew, or suck-
ing from a flower, as the ox that grazes on the mountains? Content-
ment lies within a man, in the heart; and the way to be comfortable, is not by having our barns filled, but our minds quiet. The contented man, says Seneca, is the happy man."