" ' . . . when I provide you an atonement for all you have done,' says the Lord GOD."
These words mark the end of the otherwise-quite-lurid ch. 16 of Eze-
kiel. Just when all seemed lost and hopeless, and even after God had detailed His condemnation of Judah's idolatry and iniquity--here comes the good news of atonement.
Why would the Lord provide His people of old, or His church today atonement, (and resulting remission of sins)? Is it not because of His love for His elect, secured from all eternity, in His gracious decrees? The redeemed of the Lord *deserve* judgment, hell, and wrath; but, in Christ, we *get* forgiveness, adoption, and sanctification. Let the faithful church love this great God today; and live for Him with sin-
cerity and zeal!
[Puritan quote of the day: "Providence has ordered that condition for you which is really best for your eternal good." --John Flavel, in, "The Mystery of Providence"]