Wahoo--it is almost Sunday! Here is Thomas Watson, from his, "A Body of Divinity" book. He is dealing with Justification below. . . .
"What is meant by justification?
"It is 'verbum forense,' a word borrowed from law-courts, wherein a person arraigned is pronounced righteous, and is openly absolved. God, in justifying a person, pronounces him to be righteous, and looks upon him as if he had not sinned.
"What is the source of justification?
"The 'causa,' the inward impellant motive or ground of justification, is the free grace of God: 'Being justified freely by His [God's] grace.' Ambrose expounds this, as, 'not of the grace wrought within us, but the free grace of God.' The first wheel that sets all the rest running is the love and favour of God; as a king freely pardons a delinquent. God does not justify us because we are worthy, but by justifying us makes us worthy.
"What is the ground, or that by which a sinner is justified?
"The ground of our justification is Christ's satisfaction made to His Father. If it be asked, 'How can it stand with God's justice and holi-ness to pronounce us innocent when we are guilty?'--the answer is, that Christ having made satisfaction for our fault, God may, in equity and justice, pronounce us righteous. It is a just thing for a creditor to discharge a debtor of the debt, when a satisfaction is made by the surety.
"But how was Christ's satisfaction meritorious, and so sufficient to justify?
"In respect of the divine nature. As He was man He suffered, as God He satisfied. By Christ's death and merits, God's justice is more abun-dantly satisfied than if we had suffered the pains of hell forever."