Wahoo--it's almost Sunday! In order to help us get ready for God's wor-ship, here are some good words from Thomas Watson, from his great work, "The Art of Divine Contentment":
"What it is then to learn Christ?
"To learn Christ is to be made like Christ, to have the divine charac-ters of His holiness engraven upon our hearts: 'We all with open face, beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image,' (2 Cor. 3:18). There is a metamorphosis made; a sinner, viewing Christ's image in the glass of the gospel, is transformed into that image. Never did any man look upon Christ with a spiritual eye, but he went away quite changed. A true saint is a divine landscape picture, where all the rare beauties of Christ are lively portrayed and drawn forth. He has the same spirit, the same judgment, the same will, with Jesus Christ."