Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thurs., 3/28/13 Devotion (Prov. 15:3)

Today's encouragement comes from Proverbs 15:3, where we find these words:

"The eyes of the LORD are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good."

This doctrine of the Lord's omnipresence (God-is-in-every-place) is good.  When we know we are being watched, we are especially careful to behave ourselves well.  When we think no one sees us, we are in-clined to loosen up on our behavior.

It is a form of atheism, to act contrary to the omnipresence of God. We should live in the knowledge that nothing--not even our deepest and most innermost thoughts--escape The Lord's perfect view.  With this in mind, are we not glad that we are saved by faith in Christ, and not by our own allegedly "sufficient" deeds?

[Puritan quote of the day: "Those who preach Christ most and them-selves least are likeliest to enlarge the church of God."  --Nathaniel Vincent, in, "A Discourse concerning Love"]