Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 55:16, where we read these words:
"As for me, I will call upon God, and the LORD shall save me."
David makes a personal assertion here. No matter what other people choose to do with their troubles--he, at least, will bring his to the Lord. David believed that simply "calling upon God" would be enough to se-cure His help. This is why he wrote, "The Lord shall save me."
May all God's Christian churchmen call upon Him, in trouble or in plea-sure. Let us recognize that the Lord is good; and that He alone is able to meet all of our needs--be they profound or mundane.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Those who would annihilate the ministry try to pull the stars out of Christ's hand." --Thomas Watson, in his ser-mon, "God's Anatomy upon Man's Heart"]