Today's encouragement comes from Matthew 7:7, where our Lord Jesus said this:
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
This promise is not made to just anyone--but to Christ's redeemed church alone. But what a great promise it is! Sometimes we think we are "asking," "seeking," and "knocking," when in fact we are not. What the Savior has in mind here is this: those who know themselves to be-long to God ought to clearly formulate their desires, and then earnestly seek them from Him--with expectation that they will be granted.
God's favor to His church is not given because we are so good, or faithful. Instead, it is given because we, by grace, *believe* the gospel, and *believe* that the Lord is both good and true. God is more than eager to give sweet gifts to His children.
[Puritan quote of the day: "What greater unthankfulness can there be than to despise any help that Christ in mercy has provided for us?"
--Richard Sibbes, in, "The Bruised Reed"]