Today's encouragement comes from Genesis 22:7b, where we read these words:
" . . . Then [Isaac] said, 'Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?' "
Every human being has his or her "fire" and "wood" when it comes to life and religion. Everyone knows, deep down in their hearts, that there is a righteous God who must be obeyed. What separates the redeemed churchman from everyone else is this "Lamb for a burnt offering" (men-tioned here in this ancient and famous OT text). Only those that pos-sess the Lord Jesus (the "Lamb of God") have their sins atoned for in His blood sacrifice.
Issac's question, "*Where* is the lamb . . . ?", is a good one. The Lamb (Jesus) is found by faith. He is worshipped in His church. And His gospel is proclaimed in the world. When we pray, let us always bring in our arms of faith the "Lamb of God" (Christ).
[Puritan quote of the day: "The more we see the grace of God in Christ, the spirit of fear is diminished and replaced by a spirit of love and bold-ness." --Richard Sibbes, in, "Glorious Freedom"]