Today's encouragement comes from the few, but powerful words of 1 Corinth-ians 13:8a, where we read this:
"Love never fails. . . . "
Why does love never fail? Because Jesus never fails; and love is the best barometer of the Christian heart. Love always exposes the truth; and every-one--without exception--is subject to its scrutiny. When we love God first, we have the privilege of knowing that our hearts are right; and we may relish His assurances. Without sincere love for Christ, none of our other "services" ren-dered to God mean anything--(in fact, they become abominable to Him).
The real important question for us today is, "Who (or what) do we love the *most*?" If Christ is not at the top of that list, then we should face the sober-ing fact that we are idolaters. The Lord would have us love other people, and even some things--but these must be subordinate to our love for Him.
[Puritan quote of the day: "He that frets will be willing to do evil; fretting Jonah was sinning Jonah, (Jon. 4:9)." --Thomas Watson, in, "All Things for Good"]