Today's encouragement comes from Jeremiah 26:19b, where we read these words:
" . . . Did [Hezekiah] not fear the LORD and seek the LORD’S favor? . . . "
Here is a good formula for us to live by: fear the Lord, and seek His favor. To fear the Lord means to be serious about hating sin; and to seek the Lord means to be serious about believing gospel grace. Both of these notions are quite alien to our fallen natures.
This is why those (only) who are given new hearts in Christ can truly fear the Lord, and seek His favor. It is possible to be very religious, and yet not re-deemed. What is to be done in this case? We must totally abandon our own works, and alleged righteousness; and seek and trust the Lord Jesus (and His righteousness). God will be found by all those who truly desire to discover Him—so long as we look for Him through Christ.
[Puritan quote of the day: "There is nothing in the world more uneasy than the heart of a wicked man made to listen to spiritual instruction . . . " --Richard Sibbes, in, "The Bruised Reed"]