Wahoo--Sunday is almost here. In order to prepare us for the church's Sab-bath worship of the resurrected Christ, here is Thomas Watson, from his "The Ten Commandments" book:
"Obedience must be in and through Christ. ‘He has made us accepted in the beloved,’ (Eph. 1:6). Not our obedience, but Christ’s merits procure accept-ance. In every part of worship we must present Christ to God in the arms of our faith. Unless we serve God thus, in hope and confidence of Christ’s mer-its, we rather provoke Him than please Him. As, when king Uzziah would offer incense without a priest, God was angry with him, and struck him with lepro-sy, (2 Chron. 26:20). So, when we do not come to God in and through Christ, we offer up incense to Him without a priest, and what can we expect but se-vere rebukes?"