Today's encouragement comes from Matthew 22:29, which says this:
"Jesus answered and said to them, 'You are mistaken, not knowing the Scrip-tures nor the power of God.' "
A sure way to error is through ignorance. There are two particular areas of which we cannot afford to be ignorant: the Scriptures, and the power of God. When we do not know the Bible, we are easy prey to the world's and the devil's false gospels. When we do not know the power of God, we think we have something to do with our salvation.
God has given His church all His means of grace. In and through them, let us learn, know, and live for Christ and His gospel.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Believing in Christ is the great thing that God presses upon sinners throughout the Scripture, as all know that know any-thing of Scripture.” —Thomas Brooks, in "Precious Remedies against Satan's Devices"]