Today's encouragement comes from Luke 9:13a, where we read these words:
"But He [Jesus] said to them [His disciples], 'You give them something to
eat.' . . . "
The church is the only institution on earth that is in the position to really "feed” people—especially with regard to those morsels of nourishment that are most important. This would focus mostly on the gospel of God's free grace in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Sunday sermon, and the sacrament of The Lord’s Supper are the primary means of this "feeding."
Too often we look to the government, families, individuals, or organizations to "feed” us heavenly food, when in fact they can only aid us as they are in sub-mission to Christ and His true church. Once Christians *are* fed the Bread of Life (Jesus), we are indeed in a position to benefit others. Let us be sure not to neglect the church's responsibility to feed the entire world the Lord Jesus.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Let us pray that God will preserve pure ordinances and powerful preaching among us. Idolatry came in at first by the want [lack] of good preaching.” —Thomas Watson, in, "The Ten Commandments"]