Today's encouragement comes from Mark 5:36c, where we read these words:
" . . . Do not be afraid; only believe."
This is sweet counsel of our Lord Jesus Christ, to all of us, His faithful church-men. There are plenty of times that we are tempted to fear—but the antidote is always faith. It is intriguing that the Savior does not say, "Do not be afraid, only be strong"; or, He does not say, "Do not be afraid; only try harder"; or, He does not say, "Do not be afraid; only get more religious."
The man in Mark 5 had plenty of "reason" for fear: his little daughter had just died. But even in those dire straits, the answer was and is faith. Let us believe the Lord—albeit weakly, if necessary—recognizing that it is faith (in any sin-cere measure) that pleases God (cf. Heb. 11:6).
[Puritan quote of the day: " . . . Man's unrighteousness must usher in Christ's righteousness.” —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up for the Downcast"]