Today's encouragement comes from Daniel 9:18b, where Daniel prays these words:
" . . . For we do not present our supplications before You because of our righteous deeds, but because of Your great mercies."
If we had to approach God, and present our petitions to Him based on our righteous deeds, we would never come to the Lord, ever. Besides that, we would have no basis for our prayers, because we do not possess any right-eous deeds that can save us, or even recommend us to God. Daniel, a true believer, understood this gospel truth, (see above).
We come to God on the basis of Christ's righteousness, which is imputed to us churched saints, by sovereign grace. This is the ground on which we properly approach God. The Lord will hear the prayers of those who come to Him bearing Jesus in the arms of faith. But He disregards all other petitions.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Hell did not know what it did when it crucified Christ; death, with all its armies, was put to death with Him.” —Richard Al-leine, in, "Heaven Opened"]