Today's encouragement comes from Micah 2:7b, where we read these few words:
" . . . Is the Spirit of the LORD restricted? . . . "
This is a good question (above). Is the Spirit of the Lord restricted? The an-swer, of course, is, “No.” No matter how sinful, difficult, trying, excruciating, scary, or threatening anything in the fallen world is (or may seem to be), it is not stronger than God. Sometimes even true believers are tempted to think that something may be able to thwart the inevitable advance of King Jesus, His gospel, and His church—but, in fact, nothing can.
This should be a real encouragement for every sincere Christian churchman today: The Spirit of God is not (in anyway) “restricted.” This means that He is free and able to answer our faith-filled and God-honoring prayers and peti-tions—all in and through our Risen Lord and glorified High Priest Jesus.
[Puritan quote of the day: "A good Christian is not a grave to bury God's mer-cies, but a temple to sing His praises.” —Thomas Watson, in, "All Things for Good"]