Wahoo—it is almost Sunday! Here is Thomas Watson, from his, "A Body of Divinity" book. . . .
"God's providence reaches to all places, persons, and occurrences. 1.) To all places: 'Am I a God at hand, and not a God afar off?' (Jer 23:23). The dio-cese where Providence visits is very large; it reaches to heaven, earth, and sea. 'They that go down to the sea, see the wonders of God in the deep,' (Psa 107:23, 24). Now, that the sea, which [appears to be] higher than the earth, should not drown the earth, is a wonder of Providence. The prophet Jonah saw the wonders of God in the deep, when the very fish which de-voured him and swallowed him brought him safe to shore.
"2.) God's providence reaches to all persons, especially the persons of the godly, who in a special manner are taken notice of. God takes care of every saint in particular, as if He had none else to care for. 'He cares for you,' (1 Pet 5:7), i.e., the elect in a special manner. 'The eye of the Lord is upon them that fear Him; to preserve them from death, and to keep them alive in famine,' (Psa 33:18, 19). God by His providential care shields off dangers from His people, and sets a life-guard of angels about them, (Psa 34:7). God's provi-dence keeps the very bones of the saints, (Psa 34:20). It bottles their tears, (Psa 56:8). It strengthens the saints in their weakness, (Heb 11:34). It sup-plies all their wants out of its alms [charity] basket, (Psa 23:5). Thus Provi-dence wonderfully supplies the wants of the elect."