Today's encouragement comes from Matthew 7:7, where our Lord Jesus said this:
"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you."
This promise is not made to just anyone—but to Christ's redeemed church alone. But what a great promise it is! Sometimes we think we are "asking," "seeking," and "knocking," when in fact we are not. What the Savior has in mind here is this: those who know themselves to belong to God ought to clearly formulate their desires, and then earnestly seek them from Him—with the expectation that they will be granted.
God's favor to His church is not given because we are so good, or faithful. In-stead, it is given because of Jesus and His faithfulness. By grace, we *be-lieve* the gospel, and *believe* that the Lord is both good and true. God is more than eager to give sweet gifts to His humble children who will ask Him for them.
[Puritan quote of the day: "What greater unthankfulness can there be than to despise any help that Christ in mercy has provided for us?” —Richard Sibbes, in, "The Bruised Reed"]