Praise God—Sunday is *almost* here! In order to help prepare us for church worship, here are good words from Thomas Watson, from his "All Things for Good" book:
"When God calls a man by His grace, he cannot but come. You may resist the minister’s call, but you cannot the Spirit’s call. The finger of the blessed Spirit can write upon a heart of stone, as once He wrote His laws upon tables of stone. God’s words are creating words. When He said 'Let there be light, there was light'; and when He says, 'Let there be faith,' it shall be so. When God called Paul, he answered to the call. 'I was not disobedient to the heav-enly vision,' (Acts 26:19). God rides forth conquering in the chariot of His gos-pel. He makes the blind eyes see, and the stony heart bleed. If God will call a man, nothing shall lie in the way to hinder; difficulties shall be untied, the pow-ers of hell shall disband. 'Who has resisted His will?,' (Rom. 9:19)."