Today's encouragement comes from 2 Chronicles 12:12, which says this:
"When he [King Rehoboam] humbled himself, the wrath of the LORD turned from him, so as not to destroy him completely; and things also went well in Judah."
It is amazing, what a little (but genuine) humility will do for any one of us. God was about ready to "clean Rehoboam's clock" for his idolatry—but when the prophet came and rebuked him, he (the king) repented. God seems to be practically unable to look on a contrite soul with anything but grace, mercy, and divine pity.
This is the glory of the believing and faithful churched Christian: he or she can come to God in Christ alone—which is the ultimate expression of sincere hu-mility. No works are trusted in, nor alleged self-righteousness—only the right-eousness of The Pristine Savior (plus nothing).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Are your sins high as heaven? The mercies of God are above the heavens.” —Isaac Ambrose, in, "The Christian Warrior"]