Today's encouragement comes from Exodus 9:27, where we read these words:
"And Pharaoh sent and called for Moses and Aaron, and said to them, 'I have sinned this time. The LORD is righteous, and my people and I are wicked.' "
These words of the Egyptian pharaoh are some of the very best ever spoken, or recorded—as coming from a human sinner. It is too bad that he did not really mean them. Sometimes, people can be "pummeled" into telling the truth, even when they do not in fact own it. God is very pleased and honored when people sincerely confess and repent of their sins. But He is never fool-ed, when they play the hypocrite.
God's heart "melts" in love toward the contrite sinner who finds forgiveness in Jesus’ blood. But the same Lord exercises judgment against all those whose religion is all pretense.
[Puritan quote of the day: "It is true, (I confess), many wicked men do many good actions, as praying, hearing, alms deeds; but it is not from any inward principle of life.” —Thomas Shepard, in, "The Sincere Convert"]