Wahoo—it almost Sunday again! We *get* to go back to church! Here is Rich-ard Sibbes, from his amazing "The Bruised Reed" book. . . .
"Christ chose those to preach mercy who had felt most mercy, as Peter and Paul, that they might be examples of what they taught. Paul became all things to all men (1 Cor. 9:22), stooping unto them for their good. Christ came down from heaven and emptied Himself of majesty in tender love to souls. Shall we not come down from our high conceits to do any poor soul good? Shall man be proud after God has been humble? We see the ministers of Satan turn themselves into all shapes to 'make one proselyte' (Matt. 23:15). . . . After we are gained to Christ ourselves, we should labor to gain others to Christ. Holy ambition and [zeal] will move us to put upon ourselves the disposition of Christ. But we must put off ourselves first."