Yes—Sunday is almost here! In order to help us get ready for the Lord's Day church services, here is Thomas Watson, from, "A Body of Divinity":
"You that are Christians, believe that all God’s providence shall conspire for your good at last. The providences of God are sometimes dark, and our eyes dim, and we can hardly tell what to make of them; but when we cannot unrid-dle providence, let us believe that it will work together for the good of the elect, (Rom 8:28). The wheels in a clock seem to move contrary one to the other, but they help forward the motion of the clock, and make the labrum [noise-maker] strike: so the providences of God seem to be cross wheels; but for all that, they shall carry on the good of the elect. . . . Therefore, Christians, believe that God loves you, and that He will make the most cross providences to promote His glory and your good."