Praise God—it is almost Sunday. We GET to go to church! In order to help get us ready, here is the great Thomas Watson, from his book, "The Happi-ness of Drawing Near to God":
"Let us contemplate the excellencies of God. He is the ‘God of glory,’ (Ps. 29:3). He is full of spectacular beauty—in comparison of whom both angels and men are but as the ‘small dust of the balance.’ He is the ‘God of love,’ (2 Cor. 13:11). God triumphs in acts of mercy. Well may this encourage us in our approaches to Him who delights to display the banner of free grace to sin-ners.
"If we should hear of a person of honor who was of a lovely disposition, oblig-ing all that came to him by acts of kindness and civility, it would make us am-bitiously desirous to ingratiate ourselves with him and to obtain his acquaint-ance. God is the most sovereign good, the wonder of love, ready to diffuse the silver streams of His bounty to indigent [poor] creatures. This, if anything, will make us willing to draw near to Him and acquiesce in Him as the center of felicity [happiness]."