Praise the Lord—it is almost Sunday! In order to help get us ready for church, here is Thomas Watson, from his, "The Ten Commandments" book:
"Each Sabbath may be the last we shall ever keep. We may go from the place of hearing to the place of judging—and shall not we give careful atten-tion to the Word? . . .
"You must give an account for every sermon you hear. 'Give an account of your stewardship,' (Lk. 16:2). So will God say, 'Give an account of your hear-ing. Have you been affected with the Word? Have you profited by it?' How can we give a good account, if we have been distracted in hearing, and have not taken notice of what has been said to us? The Judge to whom we must give an account is God. Were we to give account to man, we might falsify ac-counts; but we must give an account to God. . . . "