Thank God—it is almost Sunday! Here is some encouraging doctrine re. pray-er, from the great Thomas Watson. This comes from his "The Ten Command-ments" book:
"What are the several kinds of prayer?“One, there is mental prayer, offered in the mind, (1 Sam. 1:13). Secondly, there is vocal prayer, (Psa. 77:1). Thirdly, there is spontaneous prayer, which is a sudden and short elevation of the heart to God: 'So I prayed to the God of heaven,' (Neh. 2:4). Fourthly, there is inspired prayer, when we pray for those things which God puts into our heart: 'The Spirit helps us with sighs and groans,' (Rom. 8:26). Both the expressions of the tongue, and the impres-sions of the heart, insomuch as they are right, are from the Spirit. Fifthly, there is prescribed prayer. Our Savior has given us a pattern of prayer [as in “The Lord’s Prayer”]. God prescribed a set form of blessing for the priests, (in Numb. 6:23). Sixthly, there is public prayer, when we pray in the presence of others. And, lastly, there is private prayer; when we pray by ourselves: 'Enter into your closet,' (Matt 6:6)."