Praise God: Sunday is *almost* here! In order to prepare us for Sabbath church worship, here is Thomas Watson, that esteemed Puritan pastor, from his work, entitled, "The Beatitudes.” . . .
"Let us carry ourselves as the children of God in magnanimity [big-hearted-ness] and heroicalness [heroism]. The saints are high-born. They are of the true blood-royal, born of God. They must do nothing sneakingly or sordidly. They must not fear the faces of men. As that brave-spirited Nehemiah said, 'Shall such a man as I flee?' (Neh. 6:11)—so should a child of God say, 'Shall I be afraid to do my duty?' 'Shall I unworthily comply and prostitute myself to the lusts and desires of sinners?’?"The children of the Most High should do nothing to stain or dishonor their noble birth. A king's son scorns to do anything that is below him."