Today's encouragement comes from the few words of Matthew 12:21, (which are quoting the OT):
"And in His [Christ's] Name [the] Gentiles will trust."
How incredible and unbelievable must this promise must have seemed, to the Old Testament saints (and to those believers living in the early New Covenant era). Would the Gentiles *really* come to saving faith in the Messiah, who heralded from Israel?! Indeed, after over 2000 years of church history, we have grown largely accustomed to what God did; but the marvel of it should never cease to amaze us.
Is our ethnicity "Gentile"? Then, let us rejoice that the Lord has joined us to His covenant, in His holy Son's one church, which is now made up of Jews and Gentiles.
[Puritan quote of the day: "The covenant of grace brings preferment [prefer-ential treatment]. Our nature now is more ennobled. We are raised to a higher glory than in innocence [before the Fall]. We are advanced to sit upon Christ's throne, (Rev. 3:21).” —Thomas Watson, in, "A Body of Divinity"]