Praise God—it is almost Sunday! Here are some very good words from the Puritan pastor Richard Sibbes. This comes from his, "The Soul's Conflict with Itself" book. . . .
"It is good to have in our eye the beauty of a well-ordered soul; and we should think that nothing in this world is so valuable so as to cause us to lose this perspective. . . . Our spirits, being of a heavenly nature, should rule other things beneath them, and not be ruled by them. It is a holy state of soul to be under the power of nothing beneath itself. Are we bothered by anything? Then let us consider: is this matter worth the loss of my peace?"What we esteem, that we love; what we love, we invest in. And therefore let us esteem highly a clear, calm mind, whereby we both enjoy our God and ourselves, and know how to rank all other things. It is against nature for infer-ior things to rule that which the Wise Disposer of all things [God] has set above them. We owe the flesh neither honor nor service. We are not debtors to it."