Praise God—it is almost Sunday! We *get* to go to church!! In order to get us ready for Worship, here is some good theology from Thomas Watson, from his, "A Body of Divinity" book. . . .
“What is Justification?"Answer: Justification is an act of God's free grace, whereby He pardons all our sins, and accepts us as righteous in His sight, only because of the righ-teousness of Christ, imputed to us, and received by faith alone.
"Justification is the very hinge and pillar of Christianity. An error about justifi-cation is dangerous, like a defect in a foundation. Justification by Christ is a spring of the water of life. To have the poison of corrupt doctrine cast into this spring is damnable. . . . The Arminians and Socinians have cast a dead fly into this box of precious ointment. . . .
"What is meant by justification?
"It is [to be] pronounced righteous, and openly absolved. God, in justifying a person, pronounces him to be righteous, and looks upon him as if he had not sinned.
"What is the source of justification?
"The [‘cause’] is the free grace of God: 'Being justified freely by His grace.' Ambrose expounds this, as, 'Not of the grace wrought within us, but the free grace of God.’ . . . God does not justify us because we are worthy, but by jus-tifying us He makes us worthy."