Today's encouragement comes from Isaiah 56:6b & 7a, where we read these words:
" . . . Everyone who keeps from defiling the Sabbath, and holds fast My cove-nant—even them I will bring to My holy mountain, and make them joyful in My house of prayer. . . . "Here (above) is a sweet promise to all faithful Christian churchmen. Do we love the Lord? Do we love Him enough to value His Sabbath (Sunday), His church, and His worship? If so, then there are real solid blessings that are ours. We will know “mountain”-top experiences of praise (even in this world); and we will be joyful in God's house, His church.
. . . Most religious people are seeking their fulfillment in other places, and in other ways. They may receive some false "highs" from time-to-time; but only the faithful saints get the real goods (in Christ). Let us stay the course of our faith in Jesus. We will not regret it (now, or on the Judgment Day).
[Puritan quote of the day: "Prayer is the pouring out of the soul to God; not the pouring out of words, nor the pouring out of expressions; but the pouring out of the soul to God.” —William Bridge, in, "A Lifting Up For the Downcast"]