Today's encouragement comes from Psalm 139:23b, where we read these few words:
"Try me, and know my anxieties . . . "Every normal person who lives in the fallen world has anxieties. This is true for the converted and the unconverted. Even our Lord Jesus Christ had them, (cf. Jn. 12:27a). When we—like David (above)—ask God to "know" our anxi-eties, we are desiring to place them out in the open, before Him.
The regenerate Christian churchman does have an antidote to anxiety, that the unbeliever does not possess—and that is a living faith in Christ, especially as it exercises itself in prayer. Philippians 4:6 tells us to nullify our anxieties by praying about them (with thanksgiving). Let us do this today, and enjoy the peaceful benefits that flow from Jesus' sacrifice of Himself for His church.
[Puritan quote of the day: "God values one true Christian more than all the wicked in the world. God puts a high value upon His saints; they are His jew-els.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon entitled, "Christians a Chosen Gen-eration"]