Today's encouragement comes from the very last verse of Paul's letter to the Ephesian church(es)—Ephesians 6:24:
"Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity. Amen."The most important part of any genuine Christian faith is sincere love for the Savior. But it would seem that many professing and very religious Christians do not love Jesus "in sincerity." There appears to be a lot of feigned (or pre-tended) love (for God) out there. We will remember that even Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss.
God knows the hearts of all people; and He knows those priceless souls who really do love His Son. Those church saints who do love Christ are given all of God's best, all in Jesus. Those people who do not love Christ are indistin-guishable from the world; and are subject to God’s wrath.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Grace is the infusion of a new and holy principle into the heart whereby it is changed from what it was and is made after God's own heart.” —Thomas Watson, in his sermon, "The Beauty of Grace"]