So as to help prepare us for this world's highest calling, viz. Sunday church worship, here are some great words from Thomas Watson's sweet little book, entitled, "The Doctrine of Repentance":
"This resolution [to leave sin] must be built upon the strength of Christ more than our own ["strength"]. It must be a humble resolution. As David, when he went against Goliath, put off his presumptuous confidence in himself, as well as his armor, saying, 'I come to you, [Goliath], in the Name of the Lord,' (1 Sam. 17:45)—so we must conquer our 'Goliath-lusts' in the strength ofChrist. . . .
"Being conscious of our own inability to leave sin, let us get Christ to be bound with us and engage His strength for the mortifying of corruption."
"Being conscious of our own inability to leave sin, let us get Christ to be bound with us and engage His strength for the mortifying of corruption."