Praise God—it is almost Sunday. We get to go back to church, and worship God as His covenanted people! In order to help get us ready for the Sabbath (Resurrection) Day, here are some beautiful words of John Calvin, from his monumental, “Institutes of the Christian Religion.” . . .
“That Jesus Christ is the proper goal and object of our faith, is easily shown by the fact that every part of our salvation is reckoned and included inHim. . . . For by Christ’s hand God accomplished His work of mercy, the re-demption of His people. . . .
"In Christ, and nowhere else, will we find salvation. . . . Accordingly Scripture states that there is no other Name under heaven by which we may be saved, (Acts 4:12). . . . This Name therefore teaches believers that only in Christ should we look for salvation, and it assures us that we will find it there."
"In Christ, and nowhere else, will we find salvation. . . . Accordingly Scripture states that there is no other Name under heaven by which we may be saved, (Acts 4:12). . . . This Name therefore teaches believers that only in Christ should we look for salvation, and it assures us that we will find it there."