Thursday, March 9, 2023

Thurs., 3/9/23 Devotion (Job 38:4a)

 Today's encouragement comes from Job 38:4a, where we read these words:

"Where were you [Job] when I [The Lord] laid the foundations of the
earth? . . . "

Whenever we fallen and sinful human beings are tempted to call God Himself to some alleged “bar" of our own haughty “justice”—it is wise for us to recall words like these (above), which the Lord spoke to Job. The answer to God's question, of course, is that Job did not yet exist; and, on top of that, his [Job’s] very being would be completely dependent upon the One he [Job] was calling into question.

Let us find comfort in the fact that our Creator is also the Redeemer of His elect church; and that though sometimes God's providence baffles us, we know that our Father always has the best in mind for those He loves in Jesus, (cf. Rom. 8:28).

[Puritan quote of the day: "Thus God is said in Scripture to impute righteous-ness to them who believe, not because they have this righteousness in them, but because He reckons it as theirs, and reckons them righteous by it.” —Ob-adiah Grew, in, "The Lord our Righteousness"]