Praise God—Sunday the Resurrection Day, is almost here again. We get to go back to church! Here is John Owen, from his, “The Glory of Christ” book.
“Election is founded on divine love because it is free and undeserved. We did nothing to persuade God to choose us rather than others. Any good done to us which is altogether undeserved and which is done to promote our good, is an act of love and cannot be anything else. Any good there is in God’s people is the result of election and not the reason why God chose us. The only thing that moved God to choose us was His undeserved love.“The fruits or results of election are inexpressible acts of love. It is by many acts of love that election is brought to fruition, actually bringing about the sal-vation of all those whom God chose to save (Jn. 3:16; Jer. 31:3; Eph. 1:3-5; 1 Jn. 4:8, 9, 16).
“It was because God chose to save a people out of this sinful human race that Christ’s office as Mediator became necessary. . . . "