Thank God—Sunday is almost here again. In order to help us get ready for the church’s worship of God, here are words from John Owen’s “The Spirit and The Church” book. . . .
“Neither our Lord Jesus Christ nor His apostles ever made use of human ar-guments and reasons to bring people to believe the gospel they preached.
. . . It is true that they wrought miracles which confirmed and established their divine mission and the doctrine they taught, but the miracles of our Savior were all of them wrought among those who believed the whole of Scripture, then given, to be the word of God. . . .
“ . . . The apostles did not appeal to human reason or arguments to persuade people to believe. In fact they decried such means as unprofitable, and ap-pealed only to the authority of God working with power in and by His word preached. . . .
“The sum of what we are saying is this: We are obliged to believe the Scrip-tures to be a divine revelation solely because of the authority and truthfulness of God speaking in them. . . . “ [Italics Owen’s]