Praise God—Sunday is *almost* here! We GET to go to church! Here is an amazing (slightly edited) quote from Martin Luther, in his remarkable book, entitled, "Commentary on Galatians," (an all-time favorite tome of mine). . . .
"To be brief, all the enemies which before tormented and oppressed me, Christ Jesus has brought to nothing: He has ruined them, and made a show of them openly, triumphing over them by His cross (Col. 2:15), in such a way that they can now no longer ever rule and reign over me; but are now con-strained to obey me.
"By this we may plainly see that there is nothing here for us to do. The only thing for us to do is to hear that these things have been wrought and done in this way; and by faith to apprehend the same. Now when I have thus appre-hended Christ by faith, and through Him am dead to the law, then I do good works: I love God, I give thanks to Him, I exercise charity towards my neigh-bors. But this charity or works follows my faith; it does not form or adorn my faith, but my faith forms and adorns charity."This is our doctrine, which seems strange and marvelous, or rather, foolish to carnal reason: namely, that I am not only blind and deaf to the law; yes, de-livered and freed from the law, but also wholly dead unto the same."