Today’s encouragement comes from John 10:4, where we hear these words of Christ, The Good Shepherd. . . .
“When he [the good shepherd] has brought out all his own, he goes before them, and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.” (ESV)
One of the sweet comforts that the truly-called pastors of the faithful church have, is this: that as they preach Christ's pure gospel of grace in the power and fullness of the Holy Spirit—all the regenerate members of the parish will follow them, (as surely as they will follow the ultimate Good Shepherd [Jesus]).
. . . Hirelings, wolves, thieves, rebels, back-biters, church-splitters: none of these have any power over the elect and redeemed Christians of the true church. Therefore, let us all take consolation in the Person and Voice of The Great Shepherd, The One who laid down His precious life for us.
[Edwards quote of the day: "The church is a distinct race that originally came from God. Other men are of the earth—they are of earthly derivation, the pos-terity of men—but the church is the posterity of God.” —Jonathan Edwards, in his sermon, "Christians a Chosen Generation"]