Today's encouragement comes from 1 Timothy 4:4 & 5, where we read these words:
"For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is re-ceived with thanksgiving; for it is sanctified by the word of God and pray-er."For those faithful Christians in the church, nothing God created can be (in itself) evil. For those outside of Christ, the gospel, and the church, every-thing God created gets twisted to be made sinful. Our Father would have us, His children, enjoy *everything* He has crafted, so long as we do not make idols of His good things.
Hyper-religion, and human works-religion seek to "out-God" God, by de-manding things of people that the Lord Himself does not require. Let us be committed to living in gospel grace; and, in love, gladly obey God's real commandments—without being disturbed by the hypocrisy of false religion.
[Puritan quote of the day: "Love knows that the least evils are contrary to the greatest good.” —Thomas Brooks, in, "Heaven On Earth"]